Seattle Bar Bans Google Glass

Posted on March 9, 2013

GeekWire reports that a Seattle bar has banned Google Glass, the upcoming interactive glasses from Google. The digital spectacles will be capable of recording video. The 5 Point Cafe posted a Facebook update that says, "For the record, The 5 Point is the first Seattle business to ban in advance Google Glasses. And ass kickings will be encouraged for violators."

The bar's early move to ban Google Glass is certainly partly a publicity stunt, but the bar's owner told GeekWire it also has a serious side. He said, "Part of this is a joke, to be funny on Facebook, and get reaction. But part of it's serious, because we don't let people film other people or take photos unwanted of people in the bar, because it is kind of a private place that people go."

The owner of the bar also says people in the bar don't want to be secretly filmed and have footage of them posted on YouTube. There are many clubs where patrons will have similar concerns and there will likely be clubs that institute similar policies in regards to Google Glass. There is an obvious looming privacy problem with video technology. As video recoding technology gets smaller and smaller it is going to become impossible to know for sure whether or not you are being videotaped.

CNET reports that a Google spokesperson told them, "It is still very early days for Glass, and we expect that as with other new technologies, such as cell phones, behaviors and social norms will develop over time."

Google Glass is expected to launch by the end of this year with a price tag below $1,500.

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