People Need the Web to Feel OK

Posted on September 20, 2007

A new study has found that many adult Americans can't go very long without using the Internet. According to a Reuters article 15% said they would only feel OK without the web for a day or less. 21 percent could last a couple days and 19% said they could make it a few days. Only 1/5th of those surveys said they could go without the web for over a week and still feel OK.

A survey asked 1,011 American adults how long they would feel OK without going on the Web, to which 15 percent said a just a day or less, 21 percent said a couple of days and another 19 percent said a few days.

Only a fifth of those who took part in an online survey conducted by advertising agency JWT between Sept 7 and 11 said they could go for a week.

"People told us how anxious, isolated and bored they felt when they are forced off line," said Ann Mack, director of trend spotting at JWT, which conducted the survey to see how technology was changing people's behavior.

"They felt disconnected from the world, from their friends and family," she told Reuters.

The good news (we hope) is that the Internet isn't going anywhere so we will all be OK.

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