Feedback is Crucial on eBay

Posted on October 1, 2005

Feedback is a crucial component to smooth transactions and generating future transactions on eBay's busy auction marketplace. Buyers and sellers need good feedback. For sellers, good feedback shows that they have completed transactions and sent the merchandise as promised. For buyers, good feedback show that have paid promptly when they have the winning bid. Scott Prock, BellaOnline's Online Auctions Editor, explains feedback and some ways to handle feedback in a recent article.

One of those methods is to leave feedback immediately after completing your transaction, even if to opt for the selection "will leave feedback later".

At least this way you've notified the buyer and/or seller that you've acknowledged the transaction and will follow it up after the sale.

Another alternative is to send a gentle reminder to the buyer notifying them that you have left feedback regarding their part of the transaction and request that they do the same upon receipt of their order. This method is generally well accepted and typically yields the desired results.

Scott's gentle reminder advice is a good tip. People need reminders in today's ultra busy world. Also, many eBay novices aren't always sure exactly what to do so a reminder might help you get feedback from a newbie.

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